How To Conduct Effective Marketing Activities.

As a veteran Brand and Marketing Management Strategist with over 25 brands in different industries, I have productively led marketing activities for brands that generated exponential brand awareness and sales, market relevance, positive brand image and other marketing goals.

Marketing activities will achieve its set goals and prompt first purchase and post purchase if the team understands and strictly harness market segmentation, target audience details, their buying behaviour and compelling content in all their decisions.

Besides, any Marketing Manager or Consultant that's desirous of successful marketing endeavours needs adequate knowledge of the four (4) Marketing Categories, this will help you draft clear achievable marketing goals and select efficacious strategies and right channels.

1. Market-Oriented Marketing: This category focuses on developing and marketing products and services inline with market needs. It could be an upgrade of the existing ones or a new launch.

2. Asset-Led Marketing: This marketing category is focused on marketing the company's strength and assets. Companies that have formidable top-of-the-mind awareness and exponential sales strength often leverage this for asset-led marketing.

3. Social Marketing: This marketing influences behaviour and provides social benefits. In this category, the focus of the marketing is to influence audience behaviour and pitch the social benefits to them.

4. Commercial Marketing: This is a marketing type that satisfies people's needs, the commercial value they get. Here, the target is to communicate the commercial value of the brand, product or service to the target audience. It answers the WHY of a product or service.

 (C) Clement Oladepo 2023

Clement Oladepo is a veteran Content Writer and Brand Strategist to clients in different industries.

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