How To Position Your Business For Massive Growth And Relevance

One of the costly foundational errors companies often make is not to align or to wrongly align the business around a  customer-focused brand purpose.
In my studies as a Brand Management expert, I have seen businesses struggle with growth, sales and brand awareness basically because the brand purpose wasn't appropriately defined or poorly aligned. The truth is, if this foundational error is made, all other corporate efforts will be futile.

Brand Purpose (BP) is the reason for which a brand exists, or the problem it is out to solve... This is where the opportunity for brands to grow always comes from- having a customer-centred purpose. And this BP is generally formed from Customer Insight (the customer's buying behaviour).

It's important to note that the successes of P&G, UPS, Ameriprise, etc are linked to the discovery and alignment with their BPs. As a Brand Management Strategist, I have also helped businesses grow, sell more and secure positive brand reputation by aligning the businesses around definite brand purposes, among other things.

Clement Oladepo is an innovative Brand Manager to individuals and companies in different sectors, and the CEO of Beau Ideal Communications, Abuja, Nigeria.


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