Our Brand Management Consulting Report (Part 1)

Few weeks ago, I resumed back to the office from the two months break allocated for my wedding preparation, medical care and honeymoon. As expected, I got back to the realities of accumulated works and umpteen Brand Management meetings with CEOs of new companies and current clients.

After sorting some of the pending Brand Management works, we scheduled physical and virtual meetings with CEOs of companies (prospects) in Fashion, Construction, Beauty, Real Estate, Tourism, Mining, Finance, etc industries in our quest to help 5000 African brands build and manage brands that are competitive globally.

The second physical meeting was with a fashion and beauty brand, the CEO just relocated to Nigeria from the USA and established a massive fashion and beauty empire. As a smart CEO who knows the relevance and prospects of Brand Management service to her infant brand, she decided to bring us on board for Brand Management consulting.

Two days after the meeting, we’ve developed and submitted our bespoke Brand Management and business strategies to the CEO. With these, we would help build a formidable name for the brand in the fashion industry, build massive awareness, make exponential sales, create rich brand heritage, outsmart similar brands, stay relevant, rank higher in overall quality and attention to details, achieve her corporate goals, etc.

Some of our strategies include the deployment of innovation in their products and services, quarterly brand audit and inventory, and consistent fulfilment of their brand promises and USPs. We would also measure and improve the brand status in the market through our Brand Perception Strategy Tree and Scorecard template, among many other things. www.clementoladepo.com ©️Clement Oladepo 2021

#BrandStrategist #BrandManager #NigerianBrands #BrandIdentity #BrandImage #BrandPositioning #ClementOladepo #Abujabrands #AbujaBrandStrategist



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