Some Life and Business Lessons I Learnt in 2020

 The year 2020 is practically an unusual year, but it is my best year so far in all measures. The Covid-19 lockdown gave me the time to work on many pending plans.

Aside being a year we had the biggest deals and financial transactions in Beau Ideal Communications ' history, despite working for just 6 months, it also left me with many life and business lessons, some of which are listed below.

*Seeing God consistently as the reason for every success brings more success.

*Networking is an ever-sure strategy to reach people outside your circle, it greatly helped our personal and corporate pursuits in 2020.

*When you see God as your ability, He makes you perform beyond your  limited ability.

*Consistent value-delivery breeds trust, loyalty and patronage.

*Unreserved commitment to charity is a door-way to consistent blessings from God.

*Always appreciate God for small wins, they are His sickle for big wins.

*Never be bothered by haters or ‘enemies on the way’, continue to move, they always be at the back, while you progress.

*Positioning yourself as an authority in your field through personal branding makes you stay ahead of fierce competition and births customer trust.

*Spending personal quality time with God connects you with His grace and presence you need for all-round success.

*Humility and simplicity are God’s requirements for perpetual lifting and favour.

*Let your smart work be more than your hard work, that’s how to make money and influence with ease.

*Spiritual sensitivity is the key to financial ease and harvests, etc.

#2020LifeandBusinessLessons #BrandStrategist #BeauIdealCommunications #Abuja #ClementOladepo ©️Clement Oladepo 2020


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